Friday, June 29, 2012

Poems about death

Poems about death  on the dying bed   and birds that fly belly up
If it all goes it goes
So dear dearest don’t


Don’t stain your flesh or cleanse your pours  clean and kept
Those lovely hot sexy toxins
And now just close   your eyes
So tightly   close’n’d 
Forming hard smooth stones

And prayer that upper lip
Will feather   that
 good  weekend

arrot drowning in stucco

The thought of a carrot drowning in stucco
Makes him feel sensuous, boisterous and scrupulous.

And this could bring good news to an otherwise sweaty thankless   ness.

You vow’d to go to heaven.
Press your lips to his feet.

Horse =horse  =horse

Famous people born under the horse:
Neil Armstrong
Boris Yeltsin
The Earl of Snowdon

Thomas Alva Edison

Theodore Roosevelt
Franklin d. Roosevelt
Billy graham

Ulysses S. Grant
Barbara Streisand
Paul McCartney

Edward VIII, Duke of Windsor

Patty Hearst

The Lotus is a perennial broad-leaved water plant found in ponds and marshes.
It likes mud.

One girl is a professor of far eastern philosophy and some one else is married with three children and one day when the sky is right they will kiss and make a baby and wrap that baby in the new york times.

i woke up thinking

i woke up thinking
of clean living chemistry
deal breakers aroused
cling clanging and yes
there must be variations
oh and other weird stuff
stuff so unfamiliar
stuff that stuff is made of

so then welcome
to my welcome

mainly and possibly
with an aim to shoot
the arrows of our own
selves  selves   selves
and what does this word   even mean
after you say it three times

Sunday, June 3, 2012

The to do list

The to do list
perched with promise

Does an alibi
in black and white
with ever
holes all over

Like Jekyll and Hyde

All stacked up
Ends all loose 

A survey of richness

A survey of richness
And textures
Pronouns and donuts
The ‘us’ and how it got   so

Large numbers   living
Scattered accusations    served
Acquisitions splayed under glass
cupped in parentheses

Those stilettoed complaints summoning slippered restitution

We were birthed to be buried
The first and never forgotten
All those villagers doing the hop
the gleam in their eyes
the witch in his headstand
god in that gap between her teeth
And the soft sob of the almighty
And Puff…  I mean Poof.

I’m gonna write

I’m gonna write
you a poem   then crash out
it’s with my teeth marking
and firmness
you said you were good at some things
and I imagined them in the rain
and the sexy pavement
wet and glistening
with the street light
and the high truck
drives bye
and we don’t stop
on just that spot